An application was recently filed with the European trademark office EUIPO for a stylized figurative mark of a rabbit for clothing and sex toys. Mercis, the company that owns the …Read More
Trademark infringement or common practice in paint industry?
A certain paint manufacturer develops, produces and sells paints, including under its own well-known Sigma brand. The other party is an interior designer who has also developed a paint line …Read More
Use some one else’s trademark in your domainname?
That this – under specifice circumstances – is allowed, is once again confirmed by the District Court of The Hague, Netherlands on August 17, 2022.
The Dutch plaintiff has the domain …Read More
Another dispute between former trading partners
In the ruling of the District Court of The Hague dated April 19, 2022, we are again dealing with a dispute between two former trading partners.
Spyra is engaged in the …Read More
Impossible Burger vs Incredible Burger
The Hague Court of Appeal ruled on April 12, 2022 that INCREDIBLE BURGER infringes the EU word mark IMPOSSIBLE BURGER.
IF is an American company founded in 2011 that manufactures plant-based …Read More
Dispute between former trading partners over a toilet cleaner
What was going on in this March 15, 2022 ruling by the Den Bosch Court of Appeal? Milieu Nationale is a wholesaler in the field of cleaning products and has …Read More
Benefits of selective distribution
Exclusive distributors are increasingly affected by webshops that offer lower prices in their exclusive area. Just think of the online sales platforms, such as Marktplaats, Ebay, Bol, Amazon, Alibaba and …Read More
Parallel trade
Official resellers of branded products are increasingly confronted with parallel trade. In parallel trade, the branded products are imported without permission of the manufacturer or brand owner of the original …Read More
New copyright contract law
In June 2021, important copyright contract rules regarding the relation between creators, authors, performers and their contractual counterparts, the operators (publishers and broadcasters) came into law. These contractual counterparts are …Read More
IP rights, EAN Codes and internet platforms
OmniChannel has been granted the exclusive right by CapBrands to import and distribute baby food blenders in the Netherlands under the names NutriBullet Baby and Baby Bullet and to promote …Read More